A friend of mine is a software developer, and this summer I am helping him redesign his site.
Fortunately, all the design work has been done for me. Kudos to Blue Cherry Graphics, will, and the rest of the guys at Design Outpost for designing the new logo and site template!
What is my job, then? you may ask. Well, the site template that we were given is a simple HTML file, while the site is based on custom ASP scripts. My job is to merge the HTML template and ASP scripts into a functioning site.
This is not that easy, however, and I've had to rewrite a significant portion of both the ASP and HTML.
Today I was able to convert the main page:The old ASP site
The HTML template
Final result
As you can see, the page looks almost identical to the original HTML file, but adds the features of the old site, most notably, ASP scripts that customly generate each page.
However, this new site is still far from perfect: Search doesn't work, some fonts aren't right, and the bottom of the News box is missing.
And of course I still need to add about 40 more pages...
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